Your vehicle is one of the most expensive purchases you can make, especially if you do not know much about it. Knowing about your particular model can help you learn all kinds of tricks too. Keep reading to find out more.
Battery Charger
Keep a good battery charger in your car. Dead batteries are a common occurrence and you’d be able to aid other drivers who have broken down. Make sure you learn the points on your car where the battery charger should be connected.
If you have to take a vehicle in for repairs, be sure you ask a few questions about the vehicle. Center your questions around the current problems and the precautions that you can take to prevent these problems from recurring. Preventing vehicle issues is a great way of saving money annually.
Do you understand what the estimated cost for your fix is? You want to make sure that you understand each and every charge, and if you do not then you need to clarify and ask questions before any work is done. Being hit with additional fees is something that you don’t want to be surprised with.
Make sure that you wash your car frequently to reduce rust and corrosion. Your car will rust out but you can easily delay this process by washing off salt and chemicals. Utilize quality waxes to keep the paint looking new.
Do not leave any items in your vehicle if you are taking it to be repaired. The technicians may have to move out these things to fix your car, and they cannot be held liable if anything goes missing. Remove all items from your trunk too.
If you do not have headlights that are shining bright enough, you may need to clean them. Greasy residue from a road can deposit on them sometimes and that dirt can reduce the light they’re putting out. Use glass cleaner to clean them, and you will notice a big difference.
Put together a small tool kit for your car and keep it in your trunk. You should definitely have the tools necessary to change a tire, if you need to. A good lug wrench and jack are key. Also have a few tools like a socket set, both a regular and Phillips head screwdriver, a crescent wrench and a torque wrench. Do not waste money by getting cheap tools. Solid and sturdy tools are ideal so you don’t have to worry about them malfunctioning.
Talk to your friends about their auto repair experiences before choosing a repair shop. You may have less of a search to do if they can give you the name of someone great. Research any recommendations you get. At least look for reviews online.
Even if your car only seems to have a small issue going on, you should definitely have it looked at. There are some small problems that could quickly become serious and expensive to repair.
Warranties are very important when you get your car fixed, especially if you invest in expensive parts. Ask the mechanic about the parts’ warranty. Ask about warranty length and and acquire a printed version for your reference.
If you need to have your car fixed, but you don’t have a lot of cash on hand, think about asking a local vocational school if they have an auto repair class. You’ll get a deep discount for letting students fix your car under the watchful eye of a certified mechanic.
Look to AAA for reliable auto repairs. If you need towing or car repairs, this can be a lifesaver. They may even offer you discounts due to your AAA membership.
You can easily do some preventative maintenance such as adding more oil or refilling the windishield wiper fluid compartment. It is a common misnomer that you need a mechanic’s services to attend to these items for you. If you know how to do routine maintenance, go ahead and do it.
Put your car on jack stands if you’re storing it. Don’t engage your parking brake and be sure the area it’s stored in is dry in order to prevent rust.
You need to get some good recommendations for mechanics from friends. This is a great way to locate a good mechanic because you know first hand that they have done good work in the past. This gives you much better chances than just picking one out of the blue.
Rubber Mats
To keep the car’s interior looking nice, especially in the colder months, use good rubber mats on the floors. These mats protect your carpet from all of the outdoor slush and debris that are tracked inside. For those that live in northern climates, heavy rubber mats are a must have accessory.
Keep good records of all of your previous repairs. If you’re able to, keep these records in your vehicle. This will be very helpful if your car breaks down and you need to visit a mechanic right away. This will help you diagnose problems and inform buyers if you decide to sell your car.
While you can delay on some minor repairs, a mechanic should be considered immediately when you have tire, brake, electrical, or steering problems. You may get into a dangerous situation if the necessary parts breaks down.
If your check engine light appears, immediately visit a repair shop. Although problems may not be visible, it is smart for an expert to give it a look. If the code is generated in error, it can be reset by a professional mechanic.
Learning about repairing your car just makes sense. Not only will you be able to pass along the knowledge that you learned, but you will be able to rely on yourself the next time you have automotive problems. Don’t forget these tips and use them when your car needs it.